RESUMP is a public outreach and education program sponsored by the Marblehead Water and Sewer Commission. In the past, locating private sources of excess unnecessary flow has been expensive and time consuming and frankly unproductive. Our goal is to engage the public to help themselves and the community by self identifying and self reporting how their locations utilize the sanitary sewer system. Sewer rates and tax money can be more efficiently invested in providing solutions to existing problems – not estimated problems.
Private sump pumps are a common source of excess unnecessary flow. Watch our video below to see how your sump pump can contribute excess flow to the sanitary sewer.

There are some homeowners who have connected their sump pump, floor drains or downspouts to Marblehead’s sanitary sewer system by tying it in with the sewer service line in their basement. This connection puts unneeded stress on the town’s sanitary sewer system – is not an option – and it’s illegal.
Click the link below to find out how you can self-inspect or schedule an inspection with the Sewer Department. This inspection is an easy way to confirm that your connection is installed correctly.
The Sewer Department routinely inspects the public sewer system for leaks by measuring and monitoring flows, smoke testing, and visual inspections. Depending on the nature of the leak, it is repaired by the sewer department or included in a future Sewer Department contracts. Contracts include replacement or trenchless technology solutions.
Click the link below to learn more about how the Marblehead Water and Sewer Commission uses their resources to locate and remove excess flow from the system.